Chris brown started his hip-hop/R&B career at the young age of 16. Chris Brown came from a small Virginia town by the name of Tappahannock. He grew up with his parent's music and then started to get under the hip-hop influence. He was the first male solo artist to have his number 1 single song called "Run It" debut on the top of the Billboard charts. Chris has been compared to many different artists such as Usher, Michael Jackson and Tevin Campbell. Chris is known for his own flavor and sound which has brought him many fans.
Chris's mother found him singing one day and knew from that moment on that he could sing. Chris started going to school and singing for the girls, however, he knew his voice could do more than just attract the girls at school. Finally, his mother had him going to different producers to show off his talent. Chris started loving every minute of it and that's when he knew that singing was what he wanted to do in life.
Chris Brown has sold millions of tickets for his shows and his songs are available everywhere, from ringtones to videos all over the internet. Chris has many songs released and they have all hit the top of the charts. Not only did "Run It" hit the charts, but so did "Gimme That, Yo" (Excuse Me Miss), and his latest top hit "Say Goodbye". Chris Brown has begun a hot career in the music industry and has women, young, and old, going crazy over him and his own unique style. His boy next door looks and beautiful voice has made him a number 1 solo hip-hop artist.
Chris has also done work with Bow Wow and Jermaine Dupri. You can find for information about his biography, photos and of course shortie like mine. Two of the most downloaded mp3's and ringtones are Chris Brown Run It and Chris Brown Say Goodbye and any real fan has plently of pics on there video ipod.
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